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Donations and Commemorations

Donate to the Beach Hebrew Institute

Donations are always welcome and those of $20 or more will be acknowledged with a tax deductible receipt. We rely on members and the community in supporting our Historic Toronto Synagogue..


You might consider making a donation to the synagogue to mark a special anniversary or to honour the Yahrzeit of a loved one.


Thank you for your support.

Donate to the BHI Foundation

To specifically donate to help preserve our wonderful heritage building, please use the Donate button below or see our BHI Foundation page for more information.


Memorial plaques are available for $180.00 to commemorate the life of a departed loved one. 

Dedicate one of the shul's Siddur Chadash prayer books in honour or in memory of a friend or relative! A $60.00 donation per prayer book includes a bookplate with the inscription of your choice.

Sponsor a Kiddush

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